
Key Policy Messages


Market-led and sustainable development strategies need to be put in place, to realize the full potential of the fisheries and aquaculture sector for wealth creation, social benefits and development of the African economy.

Creating awareness of the potential and importance of the sector - based on current and emerging trends, challenges and needs - as well as enhancing the capacity of governments and institutions are critical, in order to ensure sustainable development of the sector.

Enhancing conservation and sustainable use of fisheries resources require governance and institutional arrangements that ensure societal contribution generated by the sector have the greatest impacts at the most appropriate level.

Development of sustainable small-scale fisheries will increase the contribution of the sector towards poverty alleviation, food and nutrition security and socio-economic development of fishing communities.

Promoting responsible and equitable fish trade and marketing would significantly harness the  benefits of Africa’s fisheries and aquaculture endowments through accelerated trade and marketing outcomes.

Strengthening South-South (bilateral and regional) cooperation and coordinated mechanisms among Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs) will foster coherence of fisheries and aquaculture policies and development and their adoption and adaptation.

Africa should increase and consolidate the “African Voice” in the governance and management of high seas fisheries in order to substantially enhance the benefits accruing to the Member States associated with exploitation of high seas resources.