Concept Note: The NAIPs Appraisal, Status and Implementation for the Delivery of the Malabo Declaration on Africa Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation

Concept Note: The NAIPs Appraisal, Status and Implementation for the Delivery of the Malabo Declaration on Africa Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation

Concept Note: The NAIPs Appraisal, Status and Implementation for the Delivery of the Malabo Declaration on Africa Accelerated Ag

The African Union Development Agency -NEPAD and the African Union Commission Department of Agriculture, Rural Economy and Blue Economy are organising in Dakar, an expert consultation to review the CAADP National Agriculture Investment Plans’ success & provide recommendations that will inform the next NAIPs cycle post-Malabo and the second Ten Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063. 

With the end of the second decade (MALABO Declaration) of the National Agriculture Investment Plan (NAIP) and the Regional Agriculture Investment Plan (RAIP) nearing completion, it is critical to take stock on how far NAIPs/RAIPs were instrumental in driving the agriculture transformation processes and building resilient food systems. 

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