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02 Feb
Kigali High-Level Health Financing Conference 02 - 03 February Country: Rwanda
Add to Calendar 2024-02-02 02:00:00 2024-02-03 02:00:00 Kigali High-Level Health Financing Conference Rwanda Africa/Johannesburg public
10 Jan
AUDA-NEPAD Africa Policy Bridge Tank 2024… 10 - 12 January Country: Ethiopia
Add to Calendar 2024-01-10 02:00:00 2024-01-12 02:00:00 AUDA-NEPAD Africa Policy Bridge Tank 2024 Inception Conference: African Futures Introduction AUDA-NEPAD’s Policy Bridge Tank Programme (APBT) aims to engage African Think Tanks to identify and address continental and regional challenges through evidence-based policy and knowledge services. Its main objective is to help translate socio-economic research output and connect knowledge to decision-making to build a solid and interlinked African-driven and evidence-based development programming. As part of its flagship events, the APBT is holding its first Annual Conference on the theme on African Futures. This year the conference will be held in Addis Ababa from the 10th to the 12th of January 2024 and will be hosted by AUDA-NEPAD Policy Bridge Tank in collaboration with the African Futures & Innovation (AFI) program at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS). The event will focus on providing foresight evidence on Africa’s development prospects that is backed by rigorous research stemming from African think tanks. The conference will draw on the contribution from African think tanks/research centrers, the AU Commission, Africa’s eight Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Member States, the diplomatic community and international organisations in Addis Ababa. The in-person conference will bring together experts, academics, policy-makers and practitioners to engage, partake and provide experiences and evidence on Africa’s long-term development prospects.  The conference will be conducted over two days from 10 to 11 January 2024, followed by a one day, 12th January, foresight training workshop on the African Futures website and the International Futures (IFs) forecasting platform. The conference and training will be for in-person attendance only and simultaneous translation will be available. Goal and Objective of the conference The conference seeks to bring together representatives from the diplomatic community, the various Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the African Union system, Member States and experts from academia and policy think tanks active across the African continent. Given unfolding foresight evidence, the conference aims to share expertise and insights on Africa’s long-term development future. The aim of the conference is to support a structured mobilisation of African think tanks towards the successful implementation of Agenda 2063 through an exchange of innovations in ideas and action. The APBT workshops will inform African governments and regional institutions on application of evidence to public policy with the aim of promoting Africa’s development priorities across the continent. Over time it is expected that the work done through the African Futures website and the conference in Addis Ababa will result in stronger, more effective development programming and policy-making capacity, a greater familiarity and reliance on data as well as an understanding of the importance of synergies and greater levels of collaboration to reach the outcomes of the Agenda 2063. This training workshop scheduled on the 12th January 2024, is by invitation only and a limited number of travel grants will be offered to participating experts and representatives of African institutions and Regional Economic Communities. The organisers will cover the participation of APBT TAG think tank members, AUDA-NEPAD staff and RECs with other in-person participation occurring on a self-funding basis. REGISTER YOUR PARTICIPATION HERE Preparatory dialogues AUDA-NEPAD has partnered with AFI to forecast Africa’s development prospects. The African Futures website reflects a unique effort to model and forecast Africa’s development potential using the International Futures forecasting platformhosted and developed by the Frederick S Pardee Center for International Futures at the University of Denver. Over the past three months, the two organisations in partnership, hosted a series of eight ‘Erudite’ seminars that unpacked the foresight analysis and evidence provided on the  African Futures website. This eight-part series dealt with various themes such as demographics, education, agriculture, manufacturing, the AFCfTA, large infrastructure and leapfrogging, financial flows and governance. The full list of seminars and access to the various documents are summarised below. - Demographics: Africa’s population future and the impact of a more rapid demographic transition and investments in health on development outcomes [Link to recording] | Download the full report or interact with the results here - Agriculture: Can Africa be food secure by 2043? Africa’s agriculture futures and the impact of a green revolution [Link to recording] | Read the full Agriculture report here or interact with the results here - Free Trade: The African Continental Free Trade Area presents a unique opportunity to create an integrated, continent-wide market, a vital step towards building the ‘Africa we want.’ [Link to recording] | Read the full AfCFTA report here. - Education: Lifting all boats: the effect of better quality and more education on Africa’s development. [Link to recording] | Read the full Education report here. - Manufacturing: The importance and impact of policies to industrialise Africa. [Link to recording] | Read the full Manufacturing report here. - Leapfrogging and infrastructure: The impact of leapfrogging and large infrastructure build on Africa’s development potential. [Link to recording] | Read the full Leapfrogging report here. Read the Large Infrastructure report here. - Governance: How could better governance improve development outcomes? [Link to recording] | Interact with the results here. - Financial flows: Inward financial flows including aid, remittances and investment have the potential to improve Africa’s development prospects. [Link to recording] | Read the full Financial Flows report here. The various webinars also presented the impact that ambitious policies might have for Africa’s long-term future in each of these sectors. This eight-part seminar series serves as input into the conference. Substantively the conference will start by showcasing the culmination of the sectoral work presented in the seminar series, consisting of a presentation and review of Africa's development prospects and potential, serving as the keynote and introduction to the event. Thereafter the conference will take the form of parallel working sessions, drawing on the expertise of various African based Think Tanks and Regional Economic Communities. The conference will be followed by a day-long training workshop in which representatives from the various RECs will have the opportunity to engage with the African Futures website and the modelling platform in more detail. For more information contact: Pamla Gopaul, AUDA-NEPAD, Alize le Roux, AFI-ISS,   Ethiopia Africa/Johannesburg public
05 Dec
6th Biennial Scientific Conference on Medical… 05 - 07 December Country: Egypt
Add to Calendar 2023-12-05 02:00:00 2023-12-07 02:00:00 6th Biennial Scientific Conference on Medical Products Regulation in Africa (SCoMRA VI) The conference will provide a forum to share scientific advances and current best practices in regulatory science disciplines with the aim to strengthen the regulatory system , improve access to affordable essential medical products, vaccines and technologies, and catalyse local production of medical products in Africa. Participants will also deliberate on actions for sustaining the momentum for regulatory systems strengthening and harmonisation in Africa. The theme of the sixth SCoMRA builds on the outcomes of the first to the fifth Biennial Scientific Conference on Medical Products Regulation in Africa jointly organized by the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The scientific conference will bring together more than 300 participants from African National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), Regional Economic Communities (RECs), policymakers, academia, scientific community, private sector, civil society and development partners in health and pharmaceutical sectors. The Sixth Biennial SCoMRA will specifically achieve the following objectives: - Provide a forum to share scientific advances and current best practices in the regulatory science disciplines amongst regulators, industry, scientists, academia and policymakers. - Share progress in regional and continental harmonisation and the advancement of Africa’s regulatory ecosystems in the era of the African Medicines Agency (AMA). - Identify actions towards the creation of an enabling environment for local production of medical products and technologies through regulatory systems strengthening and harmonisation. - Facilitate collaboration and networking among stakeholders, including regulators, policymakers, academia, the scientific community, the private sector, and civil society. - Identify best practices and models of linking regulation to local production, pooled procurement and entire value chain. The conference will be structured in the following sub-themes: Theme I: Substandard & falsified medicines: what is Africa doing to combat the scourge? Theme II: The future of medical products regulation and harmonisation in the AMA era Theme III: Advancing local production of medical products for Africa through the creation of an enabling regulatory environment Theme IV: Linking regulation to local manufacturing and procurement Theme V: Digitalization for advancing regulation of medical products in Africa. Egypt Africa/Johannesburg public
24 Nov
Pre-Conference Event – Kigali High-Level Health… 24 - 25 November Country: Rwanda
Add to Calendar 2023-11-24 02:00:00 2023-11-25 02:00:00 Pre-Conference Event – Kigali High-Level Health Conference 1S2Strengthening Coordination and Accelerating Implementation of ALM with a focus on Private Sector Engagement in Health and Health Financing. As a build up to the Kigali High-level Health Financing Conference. The Lusaka Pre-Conference event is a meeting convened by AUDA-NEPAD in collaboration with the African Union Commission and other partners to review progress and strengthen the coordination and implementation of the African Leadership Meeting (ALM) declaration on "Investing in Health." This declaration, adopted in February 2019, aims to increase domestic health financing in Africa to strengthen health systems and achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC). The ALM declaration focuses on various commitments, including increasing domestic investment in health, convening meetings between African Ministers of Finance and Health, establishing regional health financing hubs, attracting private capital into the health sector, improving public financial management, and digitizing the Africa Scorecard on Domestic Financing for Health. The event will assess progress in implementing these commitments. Key achievements highlighted include the development and piloting of a tracker to monitor the components of the ALM, digitization of the Africa Scorecard on Domestic Financing for Health, validation of a strategic framework for private sector engagement in health, and the establishment of Regional Health Financing Hubs in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and East African Community (EAC) regions. The meeting's objectives include sharing best practices and lessons learned, outlining a comprehensive private sector and health financing engagement process, improving coordination of private sector investment in health, and identifying priority actions (quick wins) for health financing and private sector engagement in 2024. The outcomes of this conference will inform broader discussions at the Kigali health financing and investment conference scheduled for February 2024. Rwanda Africa/Johannesburg public
22 Nov
Side Event at the 10th Roundtable on Financing… 22 November Country: Côte d’Ivoire
Add to Calendar 2023-11-22 02:00:00 2023-11-22 02:00:00 Side Event at the 10th Roundtable on Financing Water in Africa The session title 'Towards the launch of the High-Level Panel Investment Action Plan:  enhancing financing for national, and transboundary water projects under the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa’  The Organization for Economic Corporation and Development (OECD) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) will co-convene the 10th Roundtable on Financing Water from 22 – 23 November in Abidjan, in partnership with the government of the Netherlands, the World Water Council, and the World Bank. The Roundtable meeting is part of the international agenda on water and contributes to the debate on financing global public goods. The 2023 Roundtable will focus on promoting a regional perspective on financing water challenges and opportunities; engaging public and private actors, in particular financial institutions and investors on solutions to scale up investments for water in Africa; engaging water-intensive sectors (such as agriculture, energy, urban development) so that they better measure and mitigate their impact on water resources and explore practical ways to deliver on commitments made at the UN 2023 Water Conference.  AUDA-NEPAD, in collaboration with its partners, will hold a side event entitled ‘Towards the launch of the High-Level Panel Investment Action Plan:  enhancing financing for national, and transboundary water projects under the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa’. AUDA -NEPAD will shine a spotlight on the PIDA Water Portfolio and its enormous untapped investment potential. Be a part of the conversation that will shape the future of economic development in Africa. Online participation is available on: Time: 16:30 – 18:00 hours, Abidjan time. Côte d’Ivoire Africa/Johannesburg public
31 Oct
Add to Calendar 2023-10-31 02:00:00 2023-11-02 02:00:00 The 14th Africa Day For Food and Nutrition Security (ADFNS) Commemoration and 19th Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Partnership Platform INTRODUCTION The African Union Commission (AUC) through the  Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment (DARBE), in partnership with the Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development (HHS) and the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), with support of technical institutions and other stakeholders will organize the commemoration of the 14th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security (ADFNS), the 19th edition of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Partnership Platform (PP), the associated Malabo Policy Learning Event (MAPLE), as well as the CAADP High-Level Ministerial Forum (HLMF) in Mulungushi International Conference Center at Lusaka, Zambia, from 30th October to the 2nd  November 2023. These events – ADFNS, CAADP PP, HLMF, and MAPLE will build on the African Union’s 2023 Year Theme – “Accelerating the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)”. The series of events will be synchronized to ensure cross-fertilization and provide a platform for sharing experiences and lessons and discussing opportunities & strategies to promote intra-Africa agri-food trade and improved nutrition in Africa. As an icebreaker to kick off the week, the MAPLE event will allow stakeholders to learn and exchange cases of success, lessons and best practices (regarding strategies, tools and approaches) in agri-food and nutrition programming and policymaking. The combined CAADP PP & ADFNS High-Level Ministerial Forum is also expected to provide a platform for policy dialogue and conversations essential for accelerating intra-regional food trade, food security and stimulating economic growth across the continent, and to align and integrate departmental efforts to achieve food and nutrition security outcomes. Aligning with the 2023 AU Theme of “Accelerating implementation of the AfCFTA”, these events will emphasize and illustrate how the increased movement of goods and services, as well as deliberate policy measures, are and could further fast-track the exchange of agri-food resources across African borders, bolstering food security while enriching the continent’s nutrition profile. CAADP PARTNERSHIP PLATFORM Traditionally, the CAADP PP is the African Union’s main platform for policy dialogue, lessons sharing and accountability among the CAADP Stakeholders to advance the CAADP Agenda. Every edition of the PP builds on the lessons learned and challenges from previous ones while reflecting on opportunities and strategies to enhance partnerships towards implementing CAADP. This includes joint and complimentary investments and activities to improve collaboration and implementation of CAADP. The 19th CAADP PP, which will be, for the first time, organized together with the commemoration of the 14th ADFNS, will not only shed light on the progress in implementing the Malabo Commitments but will also reflect on what it takes to accelerate the implementation of the AfCFTA. It will gather insights across the spectrum of stakeholders and use existing evidence from the past 20 years of implementing CAADP, especially evidence generated from the 3 BR reports, to spur action towards the post-Malabo Agenda. The PP will also focus on approaches for advancing agri-food systems, including nutrition-sensitive policies, strategies and bankable actions that include private-sector investments and competitive agribusiness and trade models. A particular focus on addressing food and nutrition security in the post-Malabo messaging will be topical, emphasizing the interface between trade and nutrition. THE AFRICA DAY FOR FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY The ADFNS was declared on July 2010 by the African Union Heads of State and Government at the 15th Ordinary Session of the AU Summit in Kampala, Uganda, tagged as Decision “Assembly/AU/Dec.327(XV)”. This decision occurred in the wake of an unacceptably persistent level of food insecurity epitomized by chronic malnutrition on the continent. A side event convened in the margins of the said Summit under the banner “Africa must feed itself; no child should go to bed hungry” came up with a bold recommendation for setting aside a full commemoration day that sheds light on the centrality of food and nutrition security in Africa’s economic transformation agenda. Since its maiden edition in October 2010 in Lilongwe, Malawi, the ADFNS has been annually celebrated with thirteen editions hosted in succession by Ethiopia, Niger, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Tanzania, and Egypt. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 and 2021 events were held virtually. The 2022 edition was hybrid, with a physical segment at the AUC, Ethiopia. Nevertheless, these virtual and/or hybrid commemorations were successful, involving renowned African Chefs showcasing their nutritious cuisines. Now, the 14th ADFNS event in 2023 in Lusaka, Zambia, seeks to sustain this momentum with renowned African Chefs showcasing their cuisines in person. The overarching aim of the ADFNS is to serve as a platform for rallying political, technical and financial commitments at all levels to address contemporary challenges facing the implementation of food and nutrition security interventions in Africa. The commemoration of the ADFNS also provides a platform for national, regional and continental levels stakeholders to share experiences and knowledge and to take stock of progress achieved in assuring the availability of quality food for improved nutrition and health of all Africans. OBJECTIVES The combined events will collectively generate discussions, knowledge and tangible recommendations and actions to drive the CAADP agenda encapsulated under the Malabo Commitment on Boosting Intra-African Trade in Agriculture Commodities and Services on the African continent, with an emphasis on the nexus between trade, food and nutrition. The overall objective of the events is to facilitate action-oriented dialogue, learning, engagement, collaboration and commitment to actions (strategic interventions) among stakeholders to accelerate the implementation of AfCFTA and to enhance Africa’s food system transformation in alignment with the goals and commitments under CAADP. The events will allow stakeholders to share experiences, lessons and best practices and inspire commitments and actions investing in and promoting safer and nutritious foods using trade levers. Specific objectives include: To share experiences, lessons, and best practices for harnessing the nexus between CAADP and AfCFTA towards tripling intra-African trade in agricultural commodities and improving nutrition outcomes. This includes creating awareness and advocacy on the importance of food safety in trade and nutrition security. To explore strategies for harnessing science, innovation, and research in agri-food systems to enhance food and nutrition security in Africa. To share and learn successful models for public-private sector finance and investment in agri-food and nutrition, including nutrition-enhancing financing products and collaboration models. To reflect on 20 years of implementing CAADP to inform lessons and priorities for the remaining phase of CAADP Malabo and the roadmap for Post Malabo Agenda. To share lessons and best practices for strengthening institutional capacities, partnerships and knowledge management to enhance trade and nutrition programming and performance. MEETING STRUCTURE AND APPROACH The 14th ADFNS Commemoration and the 19th CAADP PP events will be convened from the 30th of October to the 2nd of November 2023 in Lusaka, Zambia, starting with the MAPLE on Day 1, covering the ADFNS and CAADP PP pre-events, including discussions on the two CAADP Commitments related to Trade and Ending Hunger on the continent. The outcome of the MAPLE event will inform the deliberations of the 2nd day and the CAADP PP discussions and outcomes. The official commemoration of the statutory ADFNS will be on Day 2, the 31st of October, and will include the High-Level Ministerial Forum (HLMF) segment, the launch of the Food Systems Parliamentarian Network and a food expo event entitled “Africa Youth Food Expo: Recipes for Better Nutrition”, which will explore youth’s involvement in promoting the preparation and consumption of local/ indigenous food and food-based approaches to combat hunger and malnutrition in Africa[1]. The 3rd and 4th days will focus on five sub-themes contributing to a chain of outputs to the CAADP PP.   [1] This expo is led by the Southern Africa Youth Forum, AUC/Youth Program, AUDA-NEPAD, SADC, and HarvestPlus. Africa/Johannesburg public
29 Oct
6th Scomra 29 October Country: Egypt
Add to Calendar 2023-10-29 02:00:00 2025-03-04 10:49:07 6th Scomra Egypt Africa/Johannesburg public
09 Oct
Africa Kaizen Annual Conference 2023 09 - 10 October Country: Ethiopia
Add to Calendar 2023-10-09 02:00:00 2023-10-10 02:00:00 Africa Kaizen Annual Conference 2023 Ethiopia Africa/Johannesburg public