The world’s aquatic ecosystem is under stress from a range of factors including over-exploitation, pollution, declining biodiversity, expansion of invasive species, climate change and ocean acidification. It therefore becomes critical for Africa as a continent, to sustainably develop its blue economy.
The development of sustainable blue economies for Africa’s countries will also maximise the benefits and services from aquatic environments; develop national equity by developing inclusive growth and creating decent jobs for all, and assist countries to participate in the international governance of maritime environments.
Africa’s blue economy stakeholders convened in Magaliesburg, South Africa, between 3 and 5 June, 2019, to provide input towards the development of the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) Blue Economy programme. The programme is being developed in order to guide the Agency’s support to African Union Member States and Regional Economic Communities in this important sector.
This document is a brief on what some of the stakeholders had to say on considerations for developing the Blue Economy programme.