The purpose of the IS&R is to facilitate the translation of the 2025 vision and goals of the Malabo Declaration into concrete results and impact. The 2025 vision for Africa’s agriculture is ‘shared prosperity and improved livelihoods’.
The IS&R is targeted at state and non-state actors working on or supporting CAADP implementation at all levels: the private sector, farmer organizations, civil society, development partners, the AUC, NEPAD, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and the specialized technical institutions. It constitutes a set of strategic actions that together aim to achieve the change required to attain the 2025 vision for Africa’s agriculture. These changes are organised under two objectives: IS&R Objective 1: Transformed agriculture and sustained inclusive growth; IS&R Objective 2: Strengthened systemic capacity to implement and deliver results.
At the heart of the IS&R are a set of 11 strategic action areas (SAAs). These aim to facilitate and guide, but not prescribe, options for practical actions which will deliver results and impact in support of the 2025 vision and goals.