Sep 12, 2019 | Tenders

TerrAfrica Knowledge Platform Content Expert (Smallholder Irrigation)

TORs - TerrAfrica Knowledge Platform_Smallholder Irrigation.pdf


The main objective of this assignment is to: (i) act as a frontline contact point for the “Ask the expert” online help desk (or online clinic) of the TerrAfrica knowledge platform, and provide guidance and facilitate online knowledge sharing events in selected priority topics; and (ii) lead the delivery of knowledge sharing activities on SLM, including but not limited to video-based learning sessions and online discussions as agreed with the NEPAD/TerrAfrica team.


Under supervision of the Program Manager, and in close coordination with other TerrAfrica team members, the responsibilities of the consultant will include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Manage the “Ask the expert” help desk: This will include (i) informing the TerrAfrica communities about the platform; and select prevalent SLWM topics for the Q&A space, (ii) post questions online, monitor Q&A space daily; lead the Q&A input together working with fellow content experts, to provide answers within 24 hours, solicit expert help on questions that are out of his/her expertise. (iii) after Q&A accumulate to rich discussions, extract ideas and lessons, and post them onto the lessons learned section of the platform.
  2. In addition to Q&A space, there is also a space to e-Discussion. The consultant will identify at least one topic for e-discussion based on interest emerging from the Q&A space.
  3. Organise a video learning event on SLWM topics. Organize one e-discussion on SLM topics, including: topic selection (can be follow-up discussion to a video learning event), draft session description and develop background materials, identify and make arrangements with expert contributors (1-3), facilitate and provide expert input into the online e-discussion, extract emerging lessons and post them to the lessons learned section of the platform. The e-discussion need to be implemented in a highly interactive and user engaging way, aimed at providing practical advice on implementation of SLM practices.
  4. Before the completion of the assignment, the consultant will work with NEPAD Knowledge Management Officer to prepare a report, documenting: best practices and lessons learned emerged from the interactions with users; identified barriers for implementation; recommend actions and activities to overcome the barriers under the TerrAfrica program.

Depending on the activeness of the Q&A space, and online discussion space, the consultant will spend 2-4 hrs a day on the above tasks 1-2. This means 11-20 days. The consultant must justify if the time is increased to more than 2 hr a day. For task 3, the consultant will spend 7 days, working with NEPAD TerrAfrica team and the World Bank team. For task 4, the consultant will spend 3 days.


  1. Manage the “Ask the expert” help desk of the platform and answer user questions within 24 hours
  2. Organise 1-2 online e-discussions
  3. Deliver one video learning event
  4. Prepare a report on lessons and recommendations.

Submission dates

Deadline for submission of applications: 17th July 2016

For electronic submissions email