
Mayaki briefs SG Ban Ki Moon on the 10 years of NEPAD...

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right) meets with Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Chief Executive Officer of the NEPAD Agency
New York, 7/10/2011 - As part of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) ten year anniversary commemoration proceedings at the United Nations (UN) in New York, Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, CEO of the NEPAD Agency briefed Mr. Bank Ki Moon, the UN Secretary General on NEPAD's achievements, challenges and future outlook for the next decade.

The meeting between the CEO of the NEPAD Agency and the UN Secretary General is part of a series of ongoing high-level meetings and events designed to foster debates and generate suggestions for further improvements that have been slated to take place from 6 to 12 October in New York, at the UN headquarters, at the African Union Permanent Observer Mission to the UN and at Columbia University.

Shortly after its adoption by African leader ten years ago, the NEPAD plan became the main UN vehicle in support of Africa. Over the past decade, NEPAD has promoted bold and innovative approaches in various sectors, including agriculture, new technologies and governance. “Our initiatives are progressively bearing fruits on the grounds and we expect the plan’s impact to be stronger in coming years,” affirms Mr. Mayaki. “Already, it has changed the perception people have of Africa,” he adds.

In February 2010, NEPAD was officially incorporated into the African Union (AU) formal structures with the creation of the NPCA.

For more information, please contact:

UN-DPI: Andre-Michel Essoungou,, 1-917-367-9995

UN-OSAA: François Charlier,, 1-212-963-0359

NEPAD Agency: Andrew Kanyegirire,, +27 83 704 4506

AU/NEPAD: Sarah Lawan, +13475307926

Also, please visit UN/NEPAD@10 website at and