Industrialization, Science, Technology and Innovation (ISTI) is one of the four (4) investment programmes of the NEPAD Agency addressing new and emerging development trends in Africa, guided by the African Union (AU) mandate. The programme has a footprint across the African continent, implementing various innovative initiatives at national, regional and continental level for the social and economic development of the African people. The work of this unit is driven by both qualitative and quantitative data, particularly in science, health and emerging technologies and works towards harmonisation of national and regional policies to ensure synergies with continental policy frameworks. It also promotes capacity development in the area of industrialisation, science, technology and innovation, as well as research and development (R&D) in Africa.
This work is organised using a matrix of three (3) interconnected intervention areas: (i) Science, Technology and Innovation (STI); (ii) Health and Wellbeing; (iii) Industrialisation; and (iv) Education and Training. Using a multisectoral and interdisciplinary approach, each of the identified intervention areas are responsible for implementing a cluster of programmes related to ISTI in Africa. For an overview of the different clusters and associated programmes implemented under each intervention area, please see the organogram.