
AUDA-NEPAD ALM Progress Report

AUDA-NEPAD ALM Progress Report

The ALM is a comprehensive initiative that aims to put in place thepolitical and technical mechanisms that will assist and enablecountries to steadily increase domestic investment in health yearafter year, as well as hold countries accountable in their collectivecommitment to do so.

Africa has set highly ambitious aspirations in strengthening its health architecture,these include eradicating AIDS, TB, Malaria, achieving Universal HealthCoverage(UHC) for its citizens, and other SDG-related health targets. However,underinvestment in health across most countries on the Continent persistsdespite high-level political commitments demonstrated by calls to action such asthe Abuja Declaration. These limited investments in health present a fundamentalconstraint on Africa’s ability to develop the human capital required to driveeconomic growth.

The African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) has been activelyinvolved in the implementation of the African Leadership Meeting (ALM) agenda,with a particular focus on Investing in Health. Since 2021, AUDA-NEPAD has madesignificant progress in achieving its objectives, with a primary emphasis on theestablishment and operationalisation of Regional Health Financing Hubs (RHFH)and coordinating the development and operationalisation of private sectorengagement framework in health financing. This report outlines theaccomplishments, key lessons and future commitments of AUDA-NEPAD inadvancing the ALM agenda.

Operationalization of Regional Health Financing Hubs

Guided by the 34th AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government decision ofFebruary 2021(Decision Assembly/AU/Dec.810(XXXIV) - AUDA-NEPAD was taskedwith coordinating the design, establishment and operationalisation of theRegional Health Financing Hubs in order to speed up implementation of theFebruary 2019 ALM-Investing in Health Declaration.