
Concept Note for Parallel Workshop: Futures of Green Minerals in Africa: Building Anticipatory Governance and Regional Value Chains

Concept Note for Parallel Workshop: Futures of Green Minerals in Africa

The climate-driven green energy transition provides opportunities for resource-rich developing countries to gain a first mover advantage in the green economy. This prospect requires leveraging the increased demand for green minerals while ensuring a socially and ecologically just transition.

The changing green minerals and metals ecosystem spurred by the global drive towards decarbonisation presents a unique opportunity for African countries to stimulate a paradigm shift away from a development model anchored on extraction, towards one in which mineral resources are harnessed to accelerate regional broad-based development and build resilient, self-reliant, diversified, and wellbeing economies (i.e. value beyond mineral revenues).

In order to achieve just regional green mineral futures, regional green minerals stakeholders should increase their capacity for anticipatory governance to: (1) mitigate the adverse effects of climate change in line with broader low carbon ambitions; (2) implement requisite policies to foster social inclusivity; (3) develop local and regional value chains and lower commodity dependence; (4) enhance regional collaboration to scale value chains and benefits.