APET-CJED Blogging for Impact 2021

APET-CJED Blogging for Impact 2021

APET-CJED Blogging for Impact 2021

The APET-CJED blogs (2021) focus on thematic areas of the 6 Science, Technology, and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024 (STISA-2024). STISA 2024- places science, technology and innovation at the epicentre of Africa’s socio-economic development and growth and situates it as a multi-functional tool and enabler for achieving Africa’s development goals. By adopting STISA-2024, African governments aim at lifting large sections of the African population out of poverty, addressing climate change, eliminating hunger, tackling terrorism, resolving local ethnic and religious conflicts, ending corruption and bribery and ending disease outbreaks. This strategy is designed to respond to the need of transforming Africa into a Knowledge-based and Innovation-led Society. It reflects the AU Vision and considers priorities identified for the continent and contained in various AU sectoral frameworks. The priority action areas have been identified and validated by African and International Research and Innovation Stakeholders from different sectors.