ABNE: Africa Biosafety Watch Newsletter: August - December 2020

ABNE: Africa Biosafety Watch Newsletter: August - December 2020

ABNE: Africa Biosafety Watch Newsletter: August - December 2020

In this Issue
❖ Information sharing workshop on the genome editing technology potential applications in Burkina Faso
❖ Nigeria’s NBMA validates national biosafety guidelines on genome editing
❖ Biosafety Regulators and Negotiators of the African Group Meet to Prepare for Upcoming Virtual Sessions of SBSTTA 24/SBI 3
❖ Consultative Meeting on Biotechnology and Biosafety in Ethiopia
❖ Technical Support on Gene Drive Stage 2 Dossier Review in Burkina Faso
❖ Technical Support to Zambia in Review of legal and policy document and the development of a national biosafety communication strategy
❖ Burkina Faso Stakeholders consultations on Gene Drive Technology for integrated vector management
❖ Biosafety sensitization workshop for media practitioners in Ethiopia