Africa Biosafety Watch – July to September 2019 Newsletter

Africa Biosafety Watch – July to September 2019 Newsletter

Africa Biosafety Watch – July to September 2019 Newsletter

In this Issue:

  • African Union Development Agency opens office in Nairobi
  • Niger Parliamentarians’ Technical Seminar on the country biosafety bill
  • Biosafety Capacity Building Needs Assessment in Zimbabwe
  • Inauguration of a biosafety laboratory in Burkina Faso
  • Capacity Strengthening Workshop on Emerging Technologies in Malawi
  • Capacity building in Uganda on the Development of Biosafety Regulations for the implementation of the Genetic Engineering Regulatory Act
  • Information Sharing and Sensitization Seminar on Biotechnology and Biosafety for Members of Parliament in Senegal
  • Consultative stakeholder meeting on review of biotechnology policy and biosafety legal instruments in Rwanda
  • Burkina Faso Parliamentarian Sharing Information on India's Biotech and Biosafety Experience
  • Policy dialogue on labelling of foods derived from modern biotechnology
  • Training workshop for the establishment of Institutional Biosafety Committees
  • High-level consultation to establish IBCs and a national biosafety communication platform in Burkina Faso