
COVID-19 in Africa: Alternative to Current Confinement Approaches

COVID-19 in Africa: Alternative to Current Confinement Approaches COVID-19 en Afrique:Alternative aux Approches de Confinement Actuelles

African countries should adopt more adapted ways to lock down
Everyone agrees: African countries are among the most fragile in the world, becoming a relatively easy prey to the COVID-19 pandemic: an weak public health system, economies structured around the informal sector and characterized by great fragility, too much promiscuity in urban centers, social and cultural structures that make extreme social distancing difficult,
etc. However, some African countries, such as the South African, have taken the step and have been observing complete containment for more than two weeks. But most African countries are adopting relatively flexible measures, ranging from part-time curfew to parttime work. Many also ordered the closure of open-air markets, public transport and gatherings of more than 50 people. Almost all have ordered the closure of places of worship, schools and public services considered nonessentials.

Life as we know it has changed since the global outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and business as usual will not continue. The human impact of the COVID-19 crisis is already immeasurable. Moreover, COVID-19 has already negatively impacted economies, livelihoods and disrupted food systems around the world.