Agenda 2063 outlines Africa’s political ambitions and renewed determination to accelerate comprehensive and sustainable economic growth and development. The global geo-political scenario is highly dynamic and full transitions which will inevitably impact on economic growth and development trends. Engaging with and responding to these transitions is recognised as one imperative in enabling the continent to make strategic choices and plan economic development pathways towards set Agenda 2063 and SDG goals
The study - Africa’s path to 2063: choice in the face of great transformations - takes a look at some of the major continental and global transitions. This is done in a form that presents a unique and never-before analytical insights with regard to the implications (positive or negative) these transitions may or are already having on Africa’s Agenda 2063 advances.
The study, using one of the most robust modelling tool – the International Futures Tool – presents for planners, policy makers and development specialists a uniquely African perspective and foresight analysis to help in evidence-based prioritization and determining of national or regional circumstance-specific development pathways in line with Agenda 2063 goals and targets.
This seminar marks the official launch and release of this study report undertaken jointly by AUDA-NEPAD and the Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures. The AUDA-NEPAD and the Pardee Center are pleased to put this study report in the hands of Governments, other national and regional stakeholders, including private and civil society players, policy analysts, development partners and others to stimulate, inform and guide critical analysis and determination of national pathways that will enable embrace the momentum in these transitions (positive) or institute measures including capacity to deal with them (in case of negative implications).