Jun 05, 2020 | News

AUDA-NEPAD - Environment Day – 5 June 2020

AUDA-NEPAD - Environment Day – 5 June 2020

Loss of biological diversity is one of the greatest challenges of our time, as biodiversity is the main provider of food, water, and ecosystem services that regulate climate unevenness and change, pollination, disaster protection and nutrient life cycle, etc.

Over fifty African countries have ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) thus “recognizing the critical importance of biodiversity and ecosystem services in supporting economic growth, sustainable development, livelihoods and human well-being in Africa and its contribution to achieving the African Union Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.  These objectives will be attained mainly by working towards a more equitable sharing of benefits arising from the protection and valuation of genetic and biological resources.

AUDA-NEPAD programmes are designed to accelerate the implementation of global and continental commitments such as Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Cartagena and Nagoya Protocols as well as the Aichi Targets and the Goals of the African Union Agenda 2063 ten-year implementation plan. AUDA-NEPAD intervention programmes, such as AFR100  (African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative), TerrAfrica, ABNE (Africa Biosafety Network of Expertise) and others are accelerating the Member States and regions, transitioning into the implementation of Biodiversity Convention and ensuring biodiversity is an integral part of key transformational continental policies such as Agriculture (CAADP), Infrastructure (PIDA) and Trade (ACFTA) and application of nature-based solutions to enhance sustainable practices. The agency works with communities, private sectors, development partners, and government ministries in integrating biodiversity conservation in the production model with the ultimate aim of increasing the sustainability of future generations.

Additionally, AUDA-NEPAD provides secretariat function to  African Ministers of Environment (AMCEN)  for the implementation and monitoring of Africa Environmental Plan of Action and related policies.