Jul 19, 2021 | News

AIP Water Investment Scorecard Development Steams on as Core Group and Technical Working Group Assemble in July

AIP Water Investment Scorecard Development Steams on as Core Group and Technical Working Group Assemble in July

Development of the AIP Water Investment Scorecard, which will mobilise water and sanitation investments in Africa through high-level political commitment, steamed ahead during July with partner meetings.

The AIP Water Investment Scorecard will raise awareness among African Heads of State, Presidents, and government decisions makers on the need to address the water investment gap by tracking progress, and identifying bottlenecks in attracting investments to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 on water and sanitation.

This data-based narrative for water security is expected to improve the investment outlook for water and sanitation, increase domestic and regional financial resources allocated to the sector, and develop local financial instruments and markets. 

The AIP Water Investment Scorecard’s Core Group and the Technical Working Group met on 5 and 8 July respectively, in order to discuss recommendations for the Scorecard’s thematic areas, indicators, and information sources, which emerged from the Scorecard’s Kick-Off Event held on 28 April (read the outcomes report from the Kick-Off Event here).

The meetings also discussed a roadmap for the development of the Scorecard, which is aligned to the AMCOW Water and Sanitation Sector Monitoring and Reporting System (WASSMO) and the AUDA-NEPAD Institutional Architecture for Infrastructure Development in Africa (IAIDA) framework.

The coordination structure for the development of the AIP Water Investment Scorecard consists of the three main groups:

  1. Strategic Leadership provided by the Steering Committee – H.E. Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki African Union Development Agency-NEPAD CEO, H.E. President Jakaya Kikwete Global Water Partnership Southern Africa - Africa Chair, African Ministers Council on Water, Osward Mulenga Chanda African Development Bank Water Director, Development Bank of Southern Africa, Her Excellency Chileshe Kapwepwe Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa Secretary-General
  2. Operation Leadership provided by the Core GroupAUDA NEPAD, AMCOW, DBSA, AfDB, OECD, UNICEF, World Bank, GWPSA-ACU
  3. Technical support provided by the Technical Working Group, Experts, and Independent ReviewersAMCOW, AUDA-NEPAD, UNICEF, WHO, UNDP, UNIDO, FAO, UNEP, IUCN, IWMI, SIWI, RBOs, C40, GWPSA-ACU.

As adopted during the meeting on 5 July, the Core Group will action the recommendations from the Steering Committee, technical advice, guidance, operational leadership, information, and feedback to the Technical Working Group in the development of the Scorecard.

The Core Group will hold bi-monthly virtual meetings, but may be called to attend special meetings to address urgent matters.

As adopted during the meeting on 8 July, the Technical Working Group will provide technical expertise, guidance, information, and feedback towards to the development of the Scorecard, through proposing potential themes, indicators, and data sources. The Technical Working Group will also review technical deliverables, facilitate access to relevant data, gather perspectives from other sectors linked to the water sector, and contribute to the development of recommendations on the development of the Scorecard to the Core Group.

The Technical Working Group will hold monthly virtual meetings, but may be called to attend special meetings to address urgent matters.

Both groups will be supported by the AIP Technical Support Unit hosted by GWPSA-ACU who will facilitate the sharing of information, meeting invites, agendas, minutes, and resources ahead of each meeting.

The adopted AIP Scorecard Development Road Map is below, with key stages listed:

  • November 2020 – May 2021: AIP Scorecard Kick-Off
  • June 2021 – September 2021: AIP Water Investment Scorecard development, which focuses on the identification of the themes, indicators and the development of the Indicator Sheets.
  • October 2021 – November 2021: Focused regional consultations during this phase are on alignment with WASSMO and IAIDA framework. Consultations will be held with investors and other key partners.
  • December 2021 – January 2022:  Submission to the African Union Commission
  • February 2022 – March 2022: Launch of AIP Scorecard country pilots