on Contract Negotiation, Fiscal Policies and Financial Integrity in the Extractive Industries
Date | 13-15 July 2021
Registration Link | https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYkd-GgrzsjGNKEob3PduXvu6k8tCOK3DCV
This concept note outlines ideas and the content for the sixth edition of the AUDA-NEPAD Regional Dialogue and training on tax policies, contract negotiation and Financial Integrity in the extractives industries.
The project will offer:
an opportunity of stimulating the dialogue between stakeholders in the Extractive Industries (EI) at the regional level;
an opportunity of training for Senior Government officials on contract negotiation, extractives fiscal policies and Financial Integrity at the regional level;
This edition will take place virtually on July 13, 14 & 15, 2021 and will gather over 10 countries from North Africa and around. Further to representatives from AUDA-NEPAD, partners will participate in the meeting namely: UNECA (TBC), CONNEX Support Unit, ISLP. In addition, the 3 days meeting will allow the various stakeholders to identify demands from countries in mining contract negotiation, tax administration and Financial Integrity in the extractives sector.
The AUDA-NEPAD Regional Dialogue will address the following core questions:
This regional dialogue is an AUDA-NEPAD initiative organized with the support of the CONNEX Support Unit and ISLP.