Moonshot 7

Africa is a Strong and an Influential Global Player

To be attained between 2024 to 2033

Sociis non vitae egestas felis. Egestas vel arcu aenean molestie nunc commodo fermentum ornare. Rhoncus eu sollicitudin in eget. Venenatis fames sodales eget mattis dictum amet volutpat pellentesque. Mauris ac diam cras elementum orci elit lectus. Nec sed aliquet sit turpis aliquet mattis dignissim. Quam in enim dui tempor pharetra phasellus. A pulvinar in eget et a. Mattis massa volutpat ultrices auctor nec molestie cursus. Pellentesque dolor ultrices diam sed blandit risus molestie tristique. Viverra amet eu tristique duis ornare ornare eget id. Ac lacus blandit dignissim cras congue facilisis. Diam ultrices gravida orci. Praesent amet aenean quam aenean scelerisque. Sociis non vitae egestas felis. Egestas vel arcu aenean molestie nunc commodo fermentum ornare. Rhoncus eu sollicitudin in eget. Venenatis fames sodales eget mattis dictum amet volutpat pellentesque. Mauris ac diam cras elementum orci elit lectus. Nec sed aliquet sit turpis aliquet mattis dignissim. Quam in enim dui tempor pharetra phasellus. A pulvinar in eget et a. Mattis massa volutpat ultrices auctor nec molestie cursus. Pellentesque dolor ultrices diam sed blandit risus molestie tristique. Viverra amet eu tristique duis ornare ornare eget id. Ac lacus blandit dignissim cras congue facilisis. Diam ultrices gravida orci.

Goal 19
Goal 20

Africa as a major partner in global affairs and peaceful co-existence

To position Africa as a major partner in global affairs, efforts were made by Member States to strengthen their national statistical systems. While the aggregate continental score of this goal stood at 50%, a significant majority of Member States adopted statistical legislations, thereby registering strong performance of 76% against the 2019 target on statistical legislation. The legislations are a prerequisite for functional statistical systems that comply with fundamental principles of official statistic.

Similarly, a fairly strong performance of 61% against the 2019 continental target was recorded on national-level establishment of formal institutional arrangements for coordination of the compilation of official statistics.

However, a low score of 27% against the expected value at 2019 was registered on the proportion of national budget allocated for the implementation of a functional statistical system.

Africa takes full responsibility for financing her development

While Africa’s overall performance on taking full responsibility for financing her development was very weak – recorded at 18% of the 2019 target, the continent registered varied progress in increasing the proportion of public sector budget funded by national capital markets and reducing the proportion of total ODA as a percentage of the national budget, achieving the 2019 targets by 15% and 73% respectively. Slow progress was made towards increasing total tax revenue as a percentage of GDP, registering only 2% of the 2019 target.

Effective domestic resource mobilisation is essential for obtaining the financing required to effectively drive the continent’s economic growth and development in an inclusive and sustainable manner. One area of importance for the continent is to reduce illicit financial flows and the ensuing loss of tax revenues and domestic investment.