Moonshot 4

Africa Resolves Conflicts Amicably

To be attained between 2024 to 2033

Sociis non vitae egestas felis. Egestas vel arcu aenean molestie nunc commodo fermentum ornare. Rhoncus eu sollicitudin in eget. Venenatis fames sodales eget mattis dictum amet volutpat pellentesque. Mauris ac diam cras elementum orci elit lectus. Nec sed aliquet sit turpis aliquet mattis dignissim. Quam in enim dui tempor pharetra phasellus. A pulvinar in eget et a. Mattis massa volutpat ultrices auctor nec molestie cursus. Pellentesque dolor ultrices diam sed blandit risus molestie tristique. Viverra amet eu tristique duis ornare ornare eget id. Ac lacus blandit dignissim cras congue facilisis. Diam ultrices gravida orci. Praesent amet aenean quam aenean scelerisque. Sociis non vitae egestas felis. Egestas vel arcu aenean molestie nunc commodo fermentum ornare. Rhoncus eu sollicitudin in eget. Venenatis fames sodales eget mattis dictum amet volutpat pellentesque. Mauris ac diam cras elementum orci elit lectus. Nec sed aliquet sit turpis aliquet mattis dignissim. Quam in enim dui tempor pharetra phasellus. A pulvinar in eget et a. Mattis massa volutpat ultrices auctor nec molestie cursus. Pellentesque dolor ultrices diam sed blandit risus molestie tristique. Viverra amet eu tristique duis ornare ornare eget id. Ac lacus blandit dignissim cras congue facilisis. Diam ultrices gravida orci.

Goal 13
Goal 14
Goal 15

Peace, Security and Stability are preserved

The performance of the continent in restoring and maintaining peace and security was measured by conflict-related deaths emanating from ethnicity and all forms of exclusion, religious and political differences. A low score of 24% against the expected value in 2019 was recorded during the period under review but is largely explained by the absence of data in most countries on conflict-related deaths.

A Stable and Peaceful Africa

The reporting period recorded notable efforts made by AU Member States to establish and sustain the continental campaign of “silencing all guns by 2020”. Assessed by the number of armed conflicts, the continent recorded a score of 45%, denoting a relatively weak performance in relation to the expected 2019 target.

A Fully Functional and Operational African Peace and Security Architecture

In pursuit of a continental-level African Peace and Security Architecture that is fully functional, all Member States established and/or maintained national peace councils. This saw a record performance of 76% against the 2019 continental target.