H.E. President Alassane Ouattara
President of Côte d’Ivoire AU Champion of Agenda 2063

Message From The Au Agenda 2063 Champion

Fellow citizens and friends of Africa,

Thank you on behalf of other Champion Presidents for entrusting us to champion Agenda 2063 and other issues of importance to the continent. I see you as champions in your own right, and I implore you to continue in championing the noble cause of sparing no effort to make Africa a better
place for humanity.

I also congratulate you for completing the First Decade of Agenda 2063 and welcome you to the Second Decade. We have together seen that Agenda 2063, our development blueprint, is increasingly being positioned as a critical development instrument in global and continental
negotiations on matters that impact the continent. We intend to do this more often.

Fellow citizens and friends of Africa, we wish to remind ourselves that both agendas – the UN Agenda 2030 and the AU Agenda 2063 belong to us. We must commit ourselves to harmonising our mechanisms to deliver both. We should therefore, support the decision by the AUC Chairperson and the United Nations Secretary General to agree on the principle of “Two Agendas, One Plan”.
I count on all of us to advocate and champion the implementation of the second decade of Agenda 2063 right from the grassroots to national, regional, continental and global levels.

As we marshal our efforts and deploy our resources towards implementing the Second Ten-Year Plan, we have assurances of consolidating the gains realised during the first decade and accelerating implementation on all frontiers of Africa’s development blueprint.