Continental High-Speed Train Network


The Africa Integrated High-Speed Railway Network Project is designed to connect African capitals, economic and other industrial hubs as well as major tourism locations with appropriate high-speed rail technology and other complementary electricity/power, and ICT broadband infrastructure and services.

Progress to-date

  • The vision of the Continental High-Speed Railway Network project within the context of the AU Agenda 2063 has been elaborated;

  • A detailed scoping study together with the strategy note has been completed;

  • A process has been launched for contracting a firm to conduct the financial and technical, legal and institutional audit of the African Union of Railways, with a view to its revitalisation.


  • Lack of funds for the detail engineering study;

  • Lack of dedicated experts to manage the project under the project implementation unit.

Next Steps

  • Undertake resource mobilisation for the next phases of the Continental High-Speed Train Network project;

  • Strengthen the project implementation unit within the AU Development Agency;

  • Revive the Union of African Railways to oversee and facilitate policy and strategic development of the railway sector in Africa.

Continental High-Speed Train Network