Agenda 2063 Country Progress Tracker

Agenda 2063 aims to bring the continent closer to The Africa We Want. Explore how Ethiopia has made progress in achieving the continental goals and targets.

National Priorities

Explore the country’s key focus areas to achieve Agenda 2063.

National Development Plan

Ten Years Development Plan: A Pathway to Prosperity

The 10-Year Development Plan of Ethiopia (2021-2030) outlines the country's vision, objectives, and strategic pillars for sustainable development. It addresses economic, social, administrative, and institutional challenges through homegrown reforms and policies. The plan covers sectors like economic growth, poverty reduction, sectoral development, energy, innovation, and human resources. Its goals are to improve living standards, access to services, gender inclusion, and regional integration. The plan emphasizes sustainable financing, private sector growth, and institutional transformation. Key priorities include diversified growth, financial sector development, infrastructure, urban development, and inclusive institutions. The plan aims to achieve higher income, reduce poverty, transform the economy, and promote competitiveness through human capital development and private sector involvement. It provides a roadmap for Ethiopia's long-term prosperity. Source :